Monday, July 30, 2012

In case you are curious...the Baltic Sea is COLD!

Our latest adventure took us to Lubeck and Travemunde which is a beach town on the Baltic Sea. It wasn't raining but it wasn't exactly warm and neither was the water but I had to put my feet in anyways. I mean how often do I get to any beach?
the rest of our group were being babies so with much prodding I convinced them to also put a toe in.

They had these cute little cabana's that you could rent and hang out in... but thanks to mother nature we didn't hang out there long enough.

Instead, there was a festival going on so we decided to check it out. There were little stands selling all kinds of goods from T-shirts and jewelry, to food and booze. Here are some of my favorites..

Yes, that is more candy then you can imagine, a stand with rotating meat of every kind (I spared you all of the entire pig that was spinning into yumminess), a pirate ship bar (of course), and a salami and cheese stand! I seriously think Germany was created just for me.

Backtracking a bit, we first went to Lubeck which was a beautiful town with much history and was created in something like 1478. As we were hearing our tour guide explain all this rich history, we hear in the background behind us a bunch of people screaming in delight. As I turn around, there is a Ben & Jerry's ice cream truck (in front of this amazing historical gate into the city...see pic) giving out free ice cream to everyone. It was very strange but funny.
I was too far away to get a shot of the truck but it was directly behind me as I took this picture.

The other interesting sight was a bridge called the Doll Bridge (but in German) and it had all these statues along each side. Most were sort of ordinary but this one caught my eye (can't imagine why).
I miss you all but it will be hard to leave this amazing place!


  1. It looks great! Glad you have your toes in the sand with a belly full of beer and cheese. Don't worry about us sweating our asses off planning on how to get your shit in your new place.:)

  2. Of course you find a pirate ship. And a cheese & salami bar, why hasn't anyone come up with that here?

  3. I wouldn't blame you for not coming back! But, i'd definitely be sad...and jealous! How do you say "aargh" in German anyway? ;)

  4. Looks like you are having fun don't forget to go to the VW museum!
