Saturday, July 7, 2012

I made it!

Hallo! So, I made it to Germany....but my luggage didn't. The flight was horrible (I'm not coming back). I barely fit in the seat and just when I fell asleep, the guy in front of me leaned back so far that my knee got crushed and I was in pain for the rest of the flight. Food you would expect but the wine was free so that was nice. We landed in Amsterdam and I had 20 min to run and catch my next flight. I had no clue I would need to go through customs and another security check point there so I just made it. After a short hour flight we arrived in Berlin but I guess my luggage decided to stay in Amsterdam. Trying to deal with the lost and found was super fun. The woman was not happy I didn't speak German and when I repeated what she said I needed to do just to clarify, she told me she would not repeat it....such a lovely lady she was. I figured out how to find where the USAC group was meeting and after 2 hours was with people that could help me navigate the customs baggage claim area where my luggage was to arrive on the next flight....of course the nice man that helped us said it wasn't there yet and to come back in an hour but he was going on break. When we went back, no one was there and the phone you were to use just rang and rang. After 1/2 hour someone finally came to help the 5 other irritated passengers in the same boat...but my bag was still missing. So off to the hostel with no luggage I went. That was actually a blessing since it was a train ride, then a bus ride, then stairs and walking just to get there and my bag weighed 48lbs so that wouldn't have been fun. I did have an extra shirt and jeans in my backpack so that was good since my luggage didn't come until the end of day 2! I wish I would have taken a picture of the closet that was my room in Berlin because you all would be shocked. It was ok until my bag came and then crowded was an understatement. Berlin was great. Lots to see and do. I should have brought a pedometer...the walking was insane. My legs are still in shock.

1 comment:

  1. You're a trooper, girl! Sounds like an adventure. And with all that you've been through leading up to this trip, I'm sure you handled it like a champ!
