Sunday, July 8, 2012

I'm in Luneburg!

Today is day 3 in Luneburg. It is truly amazing. Unlike Berlin which was mostly destroyed in WWII, Luneburg was untouched so all the buildings are original from as far back as 1300's. It looks like something out of a movie set. There was a car show the first day I was here so that was perfect for me. Today and yesterday was a children's festival near the town square which was fun to walk through. I felt bad for the parents as the kids were all hyped up on sugar and going nuts. Just outside of that was a group of firefighters who were nice enough to let me take their picture. Thank god for Jim my roommate who speaks wonderful German and is kind enough to hang out with me. The food and beer have been great (a little pricey) and we of course already have several favorites including an Irish pub that is right on the water. 
School starts on Tuesday so that will be interesting. I really need to learn this damn language!

Miss you all but I am having a great time :)


  1. It looks amazing! I am so glad you made it and have a translator. The pics are the little girl pulling her brother. Keep up the drinking, eating and blogging.

  2. NICE! I tried to respond to earlier blogs but couldn't figure it out until now - DOH. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself - drink more beer - you'll be speaking fluent German in no time!

  3. Luneburg looks charming - Want that VW bug bad! Keep having fun, meeting cute firemen and drinking great beer - do they have any good wine!?!? If so, I'm sure you'll find it. :-) Love ya, P

  4. Looks like you are having a blast!! Miss you friend!! I love the pictures, met any cute, single, english speaking men yet??

  5. So glad to hear you're enjoying this experience. Thanks for taking the time to do this blog, so we can all join you on this adventure!
